Principality of Destruction


Who is this Course for?

  • Those that feel lost, broken, and defeated in their walks with God.
  • Those who struggle to pray and read the word.
  • Those that are lost in depression and anxiety and sometimes contemplate suicide.
  • Those who feel like they have lost the fire and passion you once had for Christ.
  • Those that have struggled to overcome the death of a loved one.

About the Course

  • Access to material from the book, The Kingdom of Darkness.
  • Printable PDF material.
  • Revelations that expose the kingdom of darkness.
  • Prayers that trample the kingdom of darkness.
  • Access to fellowship and prayer group.
  • Personal profile for easy course access.
  • Learn to live in the victory of Christ.


The Kingdom of Darkness is a powerful, Holy Spirit-inspired book written for the bride of Christ.


Through this book, the Father has unlocked the mysteries of the Kingdom of Darkness as never before understood, the book uncovers the darkness that has held people captive, bound many in chains & prevented scores of believers from tasting and experiencing the Light of Christ.


The book offers a journey that is an eye-opener to every reader and believer in Christ, it is a journey that has already transformed the lives of many broken, lost & lukewarm believers who found the courage to go on this journey.


Follow Jesus on this path, out of darkness and into His glorious light.

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