
Word and Vision for 2022

Inspired by Elohim letter for 2022

To all our brothers and sisters in the Messiah Yeshua,


Let us begin our letter with a word from the Holy Spirit.


For thus says the Holy One,

“My children, have no fear.  For this shall be a year of great deliverance.  I am bringing great deliverance to My bride in this new season.  Deliverance from the evil that has gripped My bride for too long.  Deliverance from your pain and sufferings.  Deliverance from your bondages.  Deliverance from being lost.  For I am declaring you as FOUND! 


Found by my Love.  Found and treasured by My heart.  Found and set free by My blood!  This season shall see a great rising from the ashes of an army that thought it was defeated.  For I shall breathe My Spirit on all flesh and many shall rise with healing, power and freedom!


For now is the time, says the Spirit of the Lord!


Now I shall move mightily upon the earth and flood this earth with My glory.  Many shall see and fear and many shall see rivers of My mercy engulf their lives and they shall glorify Me for My goodness.


For I am a good Father and I love My sheep.


My shepherds have led My sheep astray and many have been lost and bound because the shepherds were not attentive to the lives of My sheep.  But I am raising up a new breed of shepherds.  Those that have fought the wolves on behalf of the lives of the sheep.  Those that did not think twice to sacrifice their own lives for the lives of My sheep.  An army that fought to the death.  An army that would not give up!  Even though no strength was left to fight in them, STILL they continued!  Trusting in Me and waiting upon Me, knowing that I AM a God that saves!


Oh My people, I am arising with reward in My hands.  Ready to reward the faithful and the just.  Those that have held on to Me when they had nothing else left.  I have called you FAITHFUL. I have called you MY FRIENDS! This season will usher in a new era where the earth shall see My glory and many shall fear for holiness shall be in the mouths and hearts of My people! No longer shall they run and no longer shall they hide!  My bride shall arise with healing in her wings to all who are hurting, all who are broken and all who are in need! 




They shall be filled with My Spirit as I send out My sent ones.  Those who have been through the fires of testing to see what was truly in their hearts.  MY BURNING ONES!


Well done My faithful servants, for your Father is well pleased with you!

Heaven will declare My love for My sons and daughters and the earth shall rejoice at their rising, for the earth has been groaning up to this day to see the sons and daughters of God arise within her. You were prepared for this time! Now is the time!


Now I will strike those wicked shepherds with the rod of My mouth for all the evil they have done and the lives they did not spare, nor had they compassion on the weak.  I will arise with recompense and judgement upon the heads of the wicked.

For I am thoroughly cleaning out My threshing floor and I will remove the chaff from the wheat, says the Spirit of the Living God!

It is time for judgment upon the churches of the nations and a cleansing and purification of My bride to take place before My coming, saith the Lord!


Take heart My bride, and follow Me in obedience and you shall reap the sweetness and fullness of the harvest in the days to come.  Nations shall come and bow down before you and men and women shall grab hold of you saying, ‘Teach us of the ways of your God, for we have heard that He is with you!’


Therefore, submit to what I have released and be diligent and you shall have great reward.  For I am raising new leaders that will wash My people with the Word and lead them in the ways of My Spirit.  Guardians that I have equipped to guard My people from the wolves and snakes and scorpions until My return.  Therefore, be diligent to obey the voice of My servants and walk by My Spirit.  Test the words and bring all to Me and you shall make your way secure.


For I am about to shake the earth with a MIGHTY DELIVERANCE!

Mightier than in the times of Moses, when I parted the seas for them to walk on dry ground.  No eye has seen and no ear has heard what I am about to do upon this earth.  For I am doing a new thing and who shall declare it!”


We praise our Heavenly Father for His goodness and His plans for His bride.  Plans to prosper us and give us a future and hope!  This year IBE Ministries will run with a vision that has been burning within our hearts to see the captives set free, the opening of the prison doors for those who are bound, healing for the broken hearted, to proclaim the year of our God’s favor and the day of His vengeance, to comfort all who mourn and to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.


This is the vision that the Spirit of God has written upon our hearts for 2022.





We are excited to share with you what we will be planting and building in this new year.  


Our vision is to equip the bride of the Messiah for the work of ministry.  We have launched online courses where we are sharing the Holy Spirit inspired book, Kingdom of Darkness.  Our mission is to raise up new leaders, that will be thoroughly equipped to work in ministry in their relevant towns, to minister to the lost, broken and bound.  We are seeing a vision of a movement of the Holy Spirit that is about to bring a mighty deliverance and revival to towns, cities and nations.  As leaders are equipped all over the world, we believe that God will unlock the power and authority of heaven upon each town to take down the kingdom of darkness.  And as we have already witnessed signs and wonders take place, we know that a mighty flood of miracles will take place in each town.


Therefore, we have set up an online platform where those whom the Spirit of God is calling right now, can be trained through our online courses to become an IBE Ministry leader and present these courses to all those who are willing in their own towns.  This can also be accomplished internationally.


It will require a completion of all the seasons of our online courses, as well as our leadership training course.  Upon completion, Rebeckah Erlank and other leaders will personally lay hands to anoint each member and release them for the work of ministry.  We have also been instructed by our heavenly Father, to ensure that every worker will receive their wage.  This means that we will also be paying those who work with us in ministry, to ensure that they too, can care for their families.  This has been something we have longed to give those who desire to work in ministry full time, as many do not enter full time ministry because they cannot put food on their tables without working.  We have heard many heart breaking stories of those who desire to serve Jesus but have not had the opportunity to do so.  We at IBE Ministries know firsthand how important it is to be able to feed your families and pay the bills while working hard for the Kingdom of God and His children.  


We are extremely humbled at the opportunity God has gifted us with to cover two very important areas in ministry by His grace;  being equipped to make an impact & being able to provide for your family’s needs.


Many are also jobless and struggling and this is opening doors for them that they never dreamed possible!


We ask for your prayers and support during the building of the House of God in each town.  Please pray with us that each soul that puts their hand to the plough will bring in a mighty harvest and shine so brightly that every bit of darkness flees!  If you are moved to do so by the Holy Spirit and desire to be that Lighthouse in your town, please register for our courses.  We are helping many that cannot afford to pay for the courses and trusting God at the same time to provide through others who can.  We encourage everyone to help us build either through prayer, or attending the courses to lead in your towns, or by financial assistance.  You can donate directly to the ministry or sponsor someone for a course, or share the news of our vision with all of your friends, family and colleagues. We are thankful for every part that each of you have in the Kingdom of our God!


Make straight the paths of YHWH and tell them all, the Kingdom of our God has come upon you.


We pray 2022 will be a year of visitation in each of your households.  We pray that each of your family members will come to know Jesus and we pray that the face of our Heavenly Father will shine brightly upon you.


May you have ears to hear His voice, may you have eyes to see His works and a heart to receive the truth of His Word.

Blessings and Shalom

IBE Ministry team

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