Rina Ellis

God created everything, He designed it all, the most brilliant creative artist ever to exist.

Our identity as artists is that of sons and daughters, publicly affirmed and sent by the Father to walk as fiery torches of prophetic revelation in the earth while creating from a place of purity and praise in the shadow and protection of God’s presence. In that place, we have been given an overflowing impartation of the living breath of God and brought into His intimate presence to be sent as divinely equipped prophetic messengers, carrying His authority.Matt TommeyIn the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.Genesis 1:1 TLV God is an artist extraordinaire! Take time and look at a beautiful sunset or sunrise, everything around us created to perfection.

God created everything, He designed it all, the most brilliant creative artist ever to exist. I praise our Heavenly Father for the gift to be able to capture His beautiful creation on canvas. I pray that we would once again start to appreciate the beauty in which our Father surrounded us with and we will respect and look after all He has given us. We are called to release the presence of God in the earth through our creative expression and facilitate experiences where people can encounter the life and light of God as a part of their everyday existence. – Matt Tommey

I glorify my Heavenly Father for calling me back to Him, after many years of living in sin and in the world. He has given me another chance to walk with Him and live a set apart life for His Glory and His Kingdom. It is my hart desire and a privilege to serve the only Living God, and to further His Kingdom and work upon this earth until our Messiah return to reign and rule for 1000 years.


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No one can come to Me unless My Father who sent Me draws him—and I will raise him up on the last day.

John 6:44

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