Purify your heart from darkness
Purify your heart from darkness
A Time for Overcoming
- Uncover the Strongmen that bind our hearts in darkness
- In this course we deal with bitterness, the fear of man and religion
- Do you struggle to forgive people?
- Do you find it hard to love people as Jesus commanded?
- Is a Sunday church service the only connection you have with Jesus?
- Does it feel like you have never really been loved?
- Do you constantly worry about what people think of you?
- Has your christian walk produced any fruit?
A Time for Overcoming
- Uncover the Strongmen that bind our hearts in darkness
- In this course we deal with bitterness, the fear of man and religion
- Do you struggle to forgive people?
- Do you find it hard to love people as Jesus commanded?
- Is a Sunday church service the only connection you have with Jesus?
- Does it feel like you have never really been loved?
- Do you constantly worry about what people think of you?
- Has your christian walk produced any fruit?
Roots that defile the heart
Roots that defile the heart
What you will Receive
- Access to "The Kingdom of Darkness" book
- Revelations that uncover strongmen
- Prayers that trample strongmen
- 6 Pre-recorded Teachings with Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
- Content that is easily accessible and printable
- Access to fellowship and prayer group
- Personal profile for easy course access
- Learn to live in the victory of Christ
What you will Receive
- Access to "The Kingdom of Darkness" book
- Revelations that uncover strongmen
- Prayers that trample strongmen
- 6 Pre-recorded Teachings with Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
- Content that is easily accessible and printable
- Access to fellowship and prayer group
- Personal profile for easy course access
- Learn to live in the victory of Christ
Who is this for?
- Those that feel lost, broken and defeated in their walk with God
- Those who struggle to pray and read the word
- Those that are lost in depression, anxiety and fear, especially fearing man
- Those who go to church, yet still feel lost, broken and even rejected by Christ
- Those who are struggling in broken marriages
- Those who have searched for love all of your life but have not found it
- Those who struggled to forgive others who have hurt them
Who is this for?
- Those that feel lost, broken and defeated in their walk with God
- Those who struggle to pray and read the word
- Those that are lost in depression, anxiety and fear, especially fearing man
- Those who go to church, yet still feel lost, broken and even rejected by Christ
- Those who are struggling in broken marriages
- Those who have searched for love all of your life but have not found it
- Those who struggled to forgive others who have hurt them
Content of Course
In this course we start uncovering the heart of man.
We take a deep look at the Strongman of Bitterness and how it prevents us from knowing Jesus and abiding in His Spirit.
We look at the effects of Bitterness on our souls and how it affects our daily lives. You will learn how to be free from it and abide in the heart of Christ.
We also uncover a Strongman that is binding most of humanity in our day; the Strongman of the fear of man. Our society today is built around what people think of us, how many likes we get on Facebook and being accepted by man.
This has conditioned us to live our lives based upon the acceptance of man and not the acceptance of God.
Then lastly, we take a deep look at religion.
Many religions dominate the world right now.
What makes a true relationship with Jesus so different than the religions of the world?
Many find themselves stuck in religious works but never find the substance that can only be found in a deep relationship with the Messiah.
Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23

Content of Course
In this course we start uncovering the heart of man.
We take a deep look at the Strongman of Bitterness and how it prevents us from knowing Jesus and abiding in His Spirit.
We look at the effects of Bitterness on our souls and how it affects our daily lives. You will learn how to be free from it and abide in the heart of Christ.
We also uncover a Strongman that is binding most of humanity in our day; the Strongman of the fear of man. Our society today is built around what people think of us, how many likes we get on Facebook and being accepted by man.
This has conditioned us to live our lives based upon the acceptance of man and not the acceptance of God.
Then lastly, we take a deep look at religion.
Many religions dominate the world right now.
What makes a true relationship with Jesus so different than the religions of the world?
Many find themselves stuck in religious works but never find the substance that can only be found in a deep relationship with the Messiah.
Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23